Monday, November 30, 2009

Belgian Chocolate Treats

Some shots from recent chocolate shoot, yum yum....truffles at 11am... not a bad way to start the day! Will post a link to this Belgian ladies' website soon, she's based in Dublin and selling these littles beauties to chocolate lovers all over the country, God bless her!

As promised; Pascale website is now live and you place your orders through her new website.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Oh Francis!

The nice people at Oh Francis! magazine have invited me to exhibit some work at the launch of their 4th issue at the Bernard Shaw tomorrow night, yay! Was kinda last minute, so bottled it and submit just the one piece, but still nice to be asked :) Check out their 4th issue!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ich liebe Berlin!

Some Berlin purchases! We visited the best flea market in Berlin. Here's some of the gear I brought home. How cool is that phone! Got the guy down from €15 to €10, very proud of myself ;) Will use it for a prop for upcoming shoot. The black and white prints are by a guy called Wiebke Steinmetz. I've looked for a link to a site for him, but cant find one. I loved them coz they're so Tim Burton-esque eh? Dontcha think?

Some images from recent trip to Berlin. Great city and great time to go, it was the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall. I left my 5D in Zoe's gaf due to 4am start but Zoe kindly let me use her camera. Been a while since I used film so some images are a bit grainy ...but I like grain, so there :)

Some randoms ...

Some randoms i found when cleaning up my desktop...worthy of a post I think :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Crazy Marrakech!

Been abandoning the blog of late, my apologies :) Only getting round to looking at these photos now. Was in Marrakech in Sept, crazy place, sensory's a lil peek at what I saw on my trip...