Some Berlin purchases! We visited the
best flea market in Berlin. Here's some of the gear I brought home. How cool is that phone! Got the guy down from €15 to €10, very proud of myself ;) Will use it for a prop for upcoming shoot. The black and white prints are by a guy called Wiebke Steinmetz. I've looked for a link to a site for him, but cant find one. I loved them coz they're so Tim Burton-esque eh? Dontcha think?

Some images from recent trip to Berlin. Great city and great time to go, it was the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall. I left my 5D in Zoe's gaf due to 4am start but Zoe kindly let me use her camera. Been a while since I used film so some images are a bit grainy ...but I like grain, so there :)